Choosing one thing in favor of another is a normal part of life or so you think! That is until the thing being chosen is other people over you. Chosen because they are perhaps younger, less experienced but cheaper to employ. It's such a loud penny when it drops that at first it does leave you in shock. But you quickly realize that age based discrimination is with all our laws and tribunals alive and well in this marvelous if not often uncharitable world of ours.
I once saw a film about the Eskimos that showed that when their old folk got too old to chew leather because their teeth are gone they are left to the snow and the polar bear to be eaten and return in the spirit of the hunt and in that way be useful to the tribe. Then I thought how cruel how barbarous. Now I have second thoughts and think at least in their way there is some dignity. Our way is to just slowly strip the old of self esteem, then respect and then to chuck them on the scrap pile of some nursing home verandah to quietly forget about them.
These are just some grey thoughts for a bleak day. But would it not be good to be able to feel worthwhile and valued beyond what some stingy tight assed boss who is just as old as you thinks is your use by date. Know I feel it now I'm in my 50s and bet I'm not alone!
I once saw a film about the Eskimos that showed that when their old folk got too old to chew leather because their teeth are gone they are left to the snow and the polar bear to be eaten and return in the spirit of the hunt and in that way be useful to the tribe. Then I thought how cruel how barbarous. Now I have second thoughts and think at least in their way there is some dignity. Our way is to just slowly strip the old of self esteem, then respect and then to chuck them on the scrap pile of some nursing home verandah to quietly forget about them.
These are just some grey thoughts for a bleak day. But would it not be good to be able to feel worthwhile and valued beyond what some stingy tight assed boss who is just as old as you thinks is your use by date. Know I feel it now I'm in my 50s and bet I'm not alone!
Age is like a wall for the longer it last the bigger and more impressive it gets and the more holes start to appear in it. |