When Sir Isaac Newton sat under his favourite apple tree, or so the conventional story goes, he dozed off only to be rudely woken by a maturing apple clonking down on his head. it is the sharp resulting pain that it is said led to his sudden realisation, simple though it may sound, that "what goes up must inevitably come down", from which the great man went on to contemplate that a force "magnetic like" was in the earth which attracted everything to it including man. Inevitably this force had the power to attract everything leaving the planet's surface back to it - the force we now call gravity.
This got me thinking that in recent times there have been some gravity defying events, for example, the GFC which saw most of the world economies fall but in defiance saw most of the worlds wealthy escape unscathed, unlike the less wealthy who become even less wealthy, loosing jobs, getting less interest from banks. When it comes to the rich I think gravity is defied, wealth heads in an upward direction building on its self and seldom comes down as the rich are favoured by governments, banks and most institutions in society. Government of the conservative type has even been said to say that "we should favour the rich as wealth will trickle down"! Indeed and if one considers it right that some should drink from the glass while others, the majority, are forced to wait for a trickle then that theory works.
So if a modern equivalent of Newton sat under a fruiting money tree in a modern free market plutocracy such as exist in the modern world today the modern Newton story might look like this:
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