
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New Start Bill referred to Senate Committee for Inquiry and Report

The Senate has referred the Social Seurity Amendment (Supporting More Australians into Work) Bill 2013 (the Bill) to a Senate Committee for inquiry and report. The referral has been very much supported by the Greens who have been critical of the legislation. Senator Rachel Siewert (Australian Greens spokesperson on families) saying:

"This Bill allows people on very low payments like Newstart to earn a miserly additional $19 per week before their income support begins to be affected."

Nature of the Inquiry

The Bill has been referred to the Senate Education, Employment and the Workplace Relations Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 17 June 2013. Key measures in the Bill include:

(i) Proposed increase to the income free area applying to recipients of benefits like Newstart Allowance, Widow Allowance, Partner Allowance, Parenting Payment (Partnered) and Sickness Allowance. The increase in the income free area would increase benefits from $62 to $100 per fortnight starting from 20 March 2014 and would be subject to an annual indexation.

(ii) Proposed extension to the eligibility criteria for the Pensioner Education Supplement to single principal carer parents receiving Newstart Allowance Payments from 1 January 2014. 

(iii) Proposes provision of a 12 week extension of eligibility for the Pensioner Concession Card to single parents who are no longer qualified for Parenting Payment (Single) because their youngest child has turned eight years of age, and who do not qualify for another income support payment due to earnings - commencing on 1 January 2014.

Green's Reasoning for Inquiry

The view of Senator Siewert and the Greens is that the short Inquiry would allow the Bill to be dealt with before the end of the current Parliament in June 2013, while at the same time providing the community with the formal opportunity to respond to the measures.

Key criticisms from the Greens include:

The amount of extra casual work proposed: "That's one hour of work extra per week at the casual minimum wage. The Bill does nothing to actually help people into work or to overcome the financial pressures they are facing."

The increase in the income free area: "Such a meagre increase of the income free area - from $62 to $100 per fortnight - falls short of the $50 per week increase to Newstart that has been widely called for. The fact is people on Newstart need an increase to Newstart and an improvement in the income free area."

The timing of changes: "To compound matters, the increase does not start until March 2014, so will offer no relief whatsoever until well after the election".

Indeed the Newstart benefit in particular is agreed by most social welfare advocates to be well below where it should be to provide fair and reasonable treatment for those on it and well below a sustainable living standard even a subsistence level. For his the Greens should get credit for trying to get more. However, it perhaps should also be noted that this is the first federal government in 20 years who has moved to increase such benefits, albeit perhaps not enough?

For those interested making submissions to the Committee have been requested by 11 June 2013 and the reporting date for the Committee is 17 June 2013. Click here to see more information.


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