
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Australia Day: Too Patriotic

Read a blog on the ABC Drum website today which echoes many thoughts I myself have had about the countries national day and how dangerously patriotic the whole thing has become. 

Following is a quote from the post by Michael Brull which shows perhaps what is meant by too patriotic:

"When I was in Surfer’s Paradise last year around Australia Day, I saw stores selling t-shirts saying things like those who don’t love Australia should leave it. I saw several Australians with blonde hair and tans wearing these shirts. I’m sure there are right-thinking Australians who would emphatically agree with the sentiment."

I do not think we should scrap the concept of a national day but I do agree it should take a more positive and inclusive tone. Australia is so much more than its Anglo Heritage and this is what should be reflected in our national day. It should also be a round a truly national event like federation (the day on which Australia actually existed for the first time).

Brull also quotes Tolstoy as follows and it is an illuminating quote though some may call you an anarchist if you take it seriously.

"The feeling of patriotism is an unnatural, irrational, and harmful feeling, and a cause of a great part of the ills from which mankind is suffering, and ... this feeling... should not be cultivated, as is now being done, but should, on the contrary, be suppressed and eradicated by all means available to rational men...

Patriotism as a feeling is bad and harmful, and as a doctrine is stupid. For it is clear that if each people and each State considers itself the best of peoples and States, they all live in a gross and harmful delusion."
from Patriotism and Government by Leo Tolstoy

In any event as the day draws near its probably good to have a good think about why we have a day off and perhaps not get to upset if not everybody is having a BBQ and waving flags, or posturing about what a great country this is - actions make thing great.

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