
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Holding your hand for Satisfaction

Monday dawns with a quote I like running around in my mind:

"The difference between the Rolling Stones & the Beatles is - that the Beatles only want to hold your hand but the Rolling Stones can't get no Satisfaction"

Yes watching repeat of Art Nation. Still sad it's been pulled. Still not happy with Aunty (the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)) about this decision. Like the New Inventors not everything on television should be there because it amasses large audiences.

Some things need to be broadcast because they serve a community purpose (like the New Inventors) or they create a balance or variety of content.

It seems to me if "mass popularity" were the only guide we would ended up with viewing choices amounting to Masterchef type programs, Renovation Shows etc and nothing much else. All of which are already over provided by commercial channels and not in need of funding or support from a public broadcaster.

Another example of this niche role is the Gruen Transfer a program about advertising that would never have got to air on commercial TV but which is a hit on ABC & has found an audience.

The ABC should allow the commercial stations to be commercial and focus on it's role of providing a variety of content and place where new ideas get a chance.

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